Dedicated in Memory of
ר' יצחק ב"ר מרדכי ז"ל
ומרת אלה ב"ר שלמה ע"ה

Ohel Yitzhak

Ohel Yitzhak
Beit Midrash Ohel Yitzhak
Beit Midrash Ohel Yitzhak is located in the heart of classical Jerusalem in the King David's Crown building complex and serves as a spiritual home for all Jews.
The synagogue has a well-established community. In the synagogue services are held each morning and evening throughout the year. our cantor officiates twice a month, on Shabbaatot and holidays.
Adjacent to the synagogue there is a simcha hall in which kiddushim, smachot and Torah sessions are held.
Kollel Massat Moshe, under the leadership of Rabbi Aryeh Zolti, meets in the Beit Midrash Sunday - Thursday from 9 AM - 7 PM. The community is invited to study Torah and utilize the extensive seforim library in Ohel Yitzhak.
זמני תפילה לפרשת כי תישא
ימי חול
שחרית 07:55
מנחה א 13:00
מנחה ב 17:35
מעריב א 18:08
מעריב ב 18:55
שבוע טוב
מנחה ע"ש 17:35
שחרית 08:25
מנחה שב"ק 12:45
מנחה שב"ק 17:10
מעריב מוצ"ש 18:23
שבת שלום
The following shiurim are given at Ohel Yitzhak every week:
Sundays: Rabbi Aryeh Zolti, Rambam (Mishne Torah) 20:30
Tuesdays: Rabbi Nehemiah Steinberger, Sefer Shmuel 20:30
Wednesdays: Rabbi Aryeh Zolti, Shiur in the Talmud 20:30
During the summer months - on every weekday, between Mincha and Maariv, Rabbi Aryeh Zholti delivers a shiur.
Friday evenings before Ma'ariv (in the summer on Shabbat morning) - Rabbi Nehemia Steinberger on the weekly Torah portion.
Shabbat afternoons (one half hour before Maariv) shiur in Halacha by Rabbi Shapiro.
12 Washington St./ Keren HaYessod St
(across from the Jerusalem Bank)
Jerusalem, Israel
רחוב ג'ורג' וושינגטון 12
ירושלים, ישראל
Events & Announcements
ביום שלישי, ערב שושן פורים ערבית בשעה 18:08 ולאחריה קריאת המגילה בשעה 18:25. ביום רביעי קריאת המגילה בשעה 08:35.